Know when you are ready to get promoted
Prepare well before asking for a promotion
Time it right and prove your achievements
A professional woman is thinking about her future career after she's refused the promotion she asked for

How to Know If You’re Ready for a Promotion

First things first: are you genuinely ready for that next step? Here’s how to tell if you’re ready for a promotion at work:

→ You’re crushing it at work: If you’ve been consistently hitting or even smashing your targets and getting things done, that’s a big green light. Promotions usually go to the people who are already performing at the next level.

→ You’ve got more on your plate: If you’ve naturally taken on more responsibility without anyone asking, you’re probably doing more than what’s in your job description. That’s a solid sign that you’re ready for more and deserve that promotion.

→ You’re learning and growing: Whether it’s a new skill, certifications, or just a better understanding of your industry, showing that you’re actively developing yourself is vital to prove that you’re ready. It proves you’re serious about moving up.

→ Positive feedback: What’s the vibe from your boss and colleagues? If you get good feedback, especially stuff like “You’d be great in X role”, it might be time to make that move.

Two women and two mean smile and show their approval with their thumbs up
Positive, constructive feedback can be a good sign that you’re ready for more responsibility.

How to Prepare for a Promotion at Work

So you think you’re ready and decide to ask for a promotion. What now? Here’s what you should be doing.

→ Document your wins: Start keeping track of all the awesome things you’ve done. Whether it’s projects you’ve led, targets you’ve hit, or problems you’ve solved, having a list of your achievements is going to help when you’re making your case.

→ Talk to your manager: Have a casual chat with your boss about your career aspirations. Let them know you’re interested in moving up and ask for their advice on what it’ll take to get there.

→ Network within the company: Get to know people in different departments and higher-up positions. Building relationships can sometimes open doors you didn’t even know were there.

How Do You Ask for a Promotion?

If you’re wondering if you have to ask for a promotion, the answer is yes, definitely. If you want a promotion, you should absolutely ask for it. No one’s going to just hand it to you if you don’t show that you’re ready and interested.

Here’s how to go about it:

→ Pick the right time: Timing is everything. You don’t want to ask when your boss is stressed out, or the company’s going through a rough patch. Wait for a moment when things are going well, or even better, after a big win.

→ Be direct but respectful: Don’t beat around the bush. Be straightforward about what you want, but make sure you’re respectful and grateful. Something like “I’ve been thinking about my career growth here, and I’d love to discuss the possibility of moving into X role” could work well.

→ Show your value: When you’re asking to get promoted, back it up with all your documented wins. Show them you’re not just asking for money or a fancier title. Prove them that you’re more than ready to bring more value to the company.

What Happens After You Ask for a Promotion?

So, you’ve had the talk. Now what? Here’s what to expect after you ask to get promoted at work:

Scenario A – You Get the Promotion

Congrats! Now it’s time to prove they made the right decision. Keep doing what you’ve been doing, but prepare for the new challenges that come with a leadership role.

Scenario B – You Don’t Get Promoted

Don’t be discouraged. Ask for feedback on what you need to improve, and work on those areas. Sometimes, it’s just about timing, and your chance will come. But if you feel like you’re hitting a dead end, consider a move to a new company where you can continue to grow.

Scenario C – “Not Right Now, But Maybe Later”

So, they didn’t say yes, but they didn’t say no either. Instead, you got the classic “not now, but in the future” response. While it might feel like you’re stuck in limbo, this can be a positive outcome—if you handle it right.

In the meantime, make sure you:

  • Clarify the timeline, politely asking for specifics on when you might revisit the conversation. Is it six months? A year?
  • Ask what specific achievements or improvements they want to see from you before they can offer the promotion.
  • Stay engaged and motivated. Take on any feedback and constructive criticism they’ve given you and keep working hard. Show that you’re committed to earning that promotion.
  • Mark your calendar for a follow-up discussion. When that time comes, be ready to discuss your progress and how you’ve met the expectations set out in your last conversation.
A professional woman is thinking about her future career after she's refused the promotion she asked for
Getting a “not now” answer doesn’t mean your efforts have been wasted. What does it mean for your career?

If you don’t get the promotion you wanted at work, you should use the experience as a learning opportunity. Keep a positive attitude and prove your work ethic. Keep building your leadership skills and exploring other opportunities if your current company isn’t the right fit for your growth.

Think of that “no” or “not now” as a signal that you should open your eyes to any incoming opportunities from outside of your company. Look at the bigger picture. You never know where a quick chat with a recruiter or a headhunter can lead! Our team of consultants can jump on an informal call if you want to know your options, even if you’re not ready to move jobs and simply want to get some job market insights.

Getting Promoted, Now What?

If you land that promotion, celebrate your success, but don’t get too comfortable. Set new goals for yourself and start thinking about the next step in your career. At the end of the day, getting promoted is about proving your worth, staying persistent, and being smart about your career development. Good luck! You’ve got this!

Marta Rodriguez

Marta Rodriguez

Digital Marketing Manager

Marta Rodriguez is a Digital Marketing Manager with 15 years of experience in Content Creation, Social Media management, Marketing Strategy, SEO and Communication. Marta has provided expert commentary for The Guardian, The Independent, Computer World, The AllBright collective, The Expertise Circle, and UK Recruiter.

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