Dress smartly, not shockingly. Professionalism matters
Enjoy the moment, limit social media oversharing
Know your alcohol limits to avoid embarrassment
Work colleagues displaying excellent Christmas party etiquette

It can be hard to limit yourself when you’re having fun at the end of year work celebrations. But the last thing you want to be doing over the festive season is looking for a new job to start in the New Year because things got out of hand at the work’s Christmas do! This article provides 5 top tips for Christmas Party etiquette success.

Our Top 5 Tips:

The annual opportunity to really get to know your colleagues – especially the quiet ones. Ah yes, it’s the Office Christmas Party!

1. Dress to impress, not to shock

Ladies, this means no neon orange, no extra short shorts, and certainly, no slips. You want to increase class and sophistication, not blood pressure.

Gentlemen, this also means making an effort – as tedious as this may be for some!

Leggy blonde dressed in sexy mrs santa outfit
Arriving at the office party dressed like this will certainly attract the attention of senior management but for all the wrong reasons!

2. Leave work at work!

Unless you work for a small company, it’s probably not often you get the opportunity to talk to the big boss. Choose your window of opportunity carefully and join in conversations with others rather than barging in and interrupting.

Many of your work colleagues may avoid speaking to the boss at Christmas parties. Consequently, by making a little effort to wish managers a Merry Christmas you will come across as friendly and mature. Congratulate them on a great party and steer clear of work topics (this is not the time to ask for a pay rise), just keep it short and sweet!

Colleagues engaging in conversation that is not about work
Making conversation about anything other than work is a good way to make friends.

3. Don’t be ‘that’ guy

It might be your first Christmas party or your 25th. As great as the party may be, don’t be that person who needs to put everything on social media. Instead, be present and enjoy the moment.

Capturing your colleagues’ most embarrassing moments on boomerang is likely to make them want to run and hide from you at future events. Reminiscing with them in private about the friendship you forged over an epic bout of dad dancing is much more endearing.

Work colleagues taking a selfie for Social Media at their Christmas Party
A flattering picture at the beginning of the evening is all anyone needs to see. Once the alcohol starts flowing, put your camera away.

4. Know your limits

There’s always one! Although it doesn’t have to be you.

If you’ve never tried tequila slammer before, a Christmas party is not the time or place to experiment. No one likes a loud drunk at the office party! Moreover, memories of obnoxious behaviour are more likely to be remembered well into the New Year so check yourself before you wreck yourself!

A handy tip is to always stay a few drinks behind the boss – this way you’re on a similar level and should be well within what they deem to be acceptable.

Not knowing your limits, or how much alcohol you have consumed throughout your office Christmas party can be dangerous. Try alternating alcoholic drinks with soft-drinks or keeping track of how many G&T’s you’ve had by keeping the slices of lime. However you keep track of your alcohol intake, be careful.

Colleagues at their Christmas Party drinking responsibly as part of great Party etiquette
You can still enjoy yourself at the office party whilst drinking responsibly.

5. Don’t pull a sicky

No matter how bad you feel the next morning, put on a brave face, drag yourself out of bed and get into the office on time. You’re unlikely to be alone in feeling a little sensitive and your presence will contribute to the sense of camaraderie. For extra brownie points, pack a few extra painkillers in your bag in case the boss is looking a little raw.

An early start, loud noises and frosty weather are never easy but are all part of the post-party hangover fun! Showing your pale face the next morning is the cherry-on-top for the correct Christmas Party etiquette!

Two hungover colleagues showing a high level of etiquette as they brave work the next morning after their Christmas party.
Anything worth doing is never easy. Even if you feel completely useless, your workmates will appreciate you turning up for work the next day.

With these Christmas Party etiquette tips in mind, we hope you have a brilliant office party! From all our team, Merry Christmas!

What’s the worst thing that ever happened to you at a Christmas party and did you learn anything from it? We’d love to hear about in the comments below and your experience is bound to help others.

If you found this blog post useful, please share it on your favourite social media channel. You never know, you might just prevent someone else from getting into trouble!

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