Co-workers looking on a laptop at online courses to boost your skills

Distance learning is something that has been around for a relatively long time, with the Open University established in 1969. However online learning resources have become increasingly popular over the last few years. Even some of the most prestigious universities now offer free courses. So if you’re looking to boost your skills and improve your chances of getting hired, there’s no time like the present.

With the tech jobs market being so incredibly competitive, an online course could help you gain an advantage. Or you could brush up on some of your skills that you may not have used in a while. It’s important to bear in mind that most of the free courses aren’t formally recognized or accredited.

However, they can be used to show that you’re willing to improve and learn new skills. This can be especially useful if you’re currently out of work or looking to change direction.

Our Favourite Online Resources for Courses to Boost Your Skills:


Coursera is a relative newcomer in terms of sites but has major backing in terms of the Universities providing resources.  Courses are available from all over the globe; from Stanford to the University of London. They offer a host of courses ranging from Gastronomy to Data and Network Analysis.

You may want to expand your knowledge in an area that may not directly affect your career or career prospects. But you’ll be sure you can find something that will interest you! Depending on each course and their respective University, you may get a statement of accomplishment or a Certificate of completion.


Similar to Coursera, but run by other Universities including Harvard and M.I.T. edX has only a very small selection of courses available at the moment in time.  Again, like Coursera, you’ll get a certificate of completion if you complete all the assignments to their satisfaction.


Founded by a Stanford Professor, Udacity has only a small selection of courses offered at the time of writing this article. Those offered, have an emphasis on Computer Science.  However, if you’re looking to brush up your skills, or even looking at developing new ones, it’s worth looking at.


Haven’t used a particular programming language in a while and want to remember some of the intricacies of them? Codecademy is here to help you.  You can track your progress and learn the basics or more complex ideas. Javascript, Ruby, Python and HTML being the main areas covered.

Khan Academy:

Not a course based resource as it solely uses videos on various subjects. Although, you’ll still be able to pick up some tips and advice on a range of topics.  With over 3400 videos on Khan Academy, with some based around Computer Science. Such as looking to improve on your User Interface Ideas, you may be able to find something to help you.

Offers for paid online courses available on Learn Direct and Open University occasionally appear on group discount sites. Groupon, for example, has been known to advertise such offers in the past.

It’s never been easier to boost your skills – or develop new ones – from the comfort of your own home and in your own time.

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