Researching the company improves application & interview success
A great interview can outweigh an impressive CV
our online presence impacts hiring decisions more than you think
Candidate updating their CV. Why is it so important?

When job seekers go on the hunt for a new job, it’s easy to get a little too obsessed with creating the perfect CV. Although it’s important to pause and ask yourself: Why is a CV important? Of course, having a good CV is the golden ticket to interviews and job offers. But could you be placing far too much emphasis on your curriculum vitae for securing your dream job?

Why Is a CV Important?

Your CV is your most valuable tool to get to the job interview stage. Therefore, the more effort you put into tailoring your CV to the job advert you are applying for, the more likely you are to get an interview.

In brief, there are a few golden rules to follow when writing or updating your CV:

  • Make your contact details clear, particularly your email address and phone number
  • Start with a summary of your biggest achievements, relevant skills and experience. You should see this as personal statement you can tailor to each job you apply for
  • Always list your employment history in reverse chronological order (most recent first)
  • Use bullet points instead of long-winded sentences
  • Make sure your key skills stand out
  • Leave out any personal details, such as your marital status

However, in order to survive the application process and get the job you are applying for, you will need more than just good CV writing skills. Listing your work history in chronological order in no longer than two pages is a skill in itself but it will take more than that to land your dream job!

Five Things You Should Focus on When Applying for Jobs

Here are 5 other things that can have far more weight in the application and interview process than a record of your qualifications and all your previous specific roles:

Great Interview Technique

If you have charisma and confidence combined with a good understanding of the job, you can really wow at interview! However, you also need to be able to back up whatever claims you make on paper with examples that bring your work experience to life.

Preparation is key when it comes to interviewing. We learn best by making mistakes but don’t waste precious time by making those mistakes in a real-life interview. Feedback from friends and family can be invaluable in interview preparation. Ask them to help you practice answering interview questions and pay attention to their feedback.

A great interview can convince an employer that transferable skills acquired from previous jobs make up for the experience you may be lacking. On the flip side, if your CV is amazing but you come across as ill-prepared you don’t have a chance of landing the job.

In-depth Knowledge of the Company

Many applicants take a cursory look at their potential employer’s website when applying, but this is nowhere near enough research to impress and stand out from other applicants. You need to understand what goes on within the business in order to see where you fit. Understanding its culture and how you might solve some of its problems will help you write a killer cover letter and ace your interview.

If you haven’t researched the company you’re interviewing with, how do you know you even want the job?

A Professional Online Presence

Personal branding is more important than ever when job hunting and much of this happens online. A survey by CareerBuilder found that 35% of the 2,000 U.S. employers they surveyed would be less likely to interview a candidate if they couldn’t find information about them online. Crucially, you need to carefully curate the information you share on social media to create a good impression.

It is advisable to edit your public Facebook and Twitter profiles to make them look more professional. A well-thought-out LinkedIn profile takes a little more work but will give you the edge over other candidates. Depending on your niche, you could also consider an online portfolio or a blog to demonstrate your expertise.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Prospective employers want to get a good idea of you as a person, not just your former job titles and your qualifications on paper. Use your application, and indeed your CV, to demonstrate your interests, hobbies and personal goals.

When they inevitably ask you to ‘tell us about yourself’ give interviewers something to distinguish you from other applicants. Be remembered as ‘the one who coaches kids at the coding club’ or ‘the one who writes the tech blog’.


There’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance. Knowing how to come across as self-assured and capable is something that requires a lot of practice. Being consistent in every part of your application – from covering letter to the interview will help convey this message.

If you need help creating a solid, effective CV and improving your interview technique, why not contact one of our team? Our team of experts can help you fine-tune your job-application skills and give you a greater chance of success when applying for your dream job.

David Berwick

David Berwick

Director • Lead Software Engineering Recruitment Specialist

David Berwick is an IT Recruitment Specialist with 25 years of experience, including 20 years as the Director of Adria Solutions. He specialises in Software Engineering recruitment and is widely respected in the UK’s tech recruitment industry. Dave has provided expert commentary for specialist publications such as LinkedIn News UK, Tech Target and UK Recruiter.

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